- A 'Dictator' Republican Governor in Wisconsin Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions, Threatens to Call Up National Guard to Stop Protests
White Nationalists Converge on Day Two at Republican Convention (Conservative Political Action Conference)
February 12, 2011 by Imagine 2050 Editors

While many young conservatives waited in long lines to hear Ron Paul speak in the main ballroom of yesterday’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), another event, ‘Will Immigration Kill the GOP,’ was drawing a crowd of its own.
The seminar was sponsored by Youth for Western Civilization, a group that debuted at CPAC in 2009 and aims to defend western culture on college campuses. The group invited former Congressman Virgil Goode, anti-immigrant activist Bay Buchannan and anti-immigrant former Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak on its panel. A special guest who joined later was newly elected Pennsylvania Congressman Lou Barletta, famous for an anti-immigrant ordinance he passed in the town of Hazleton, PA.
Barletta was even presented with an award by one of the attendees. None other than Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen Project. Jim Gilchrist was closely tied to Shawna Forde right up to her arrest for murder in 2009.
More disturbing than the actual lineup of anti-immigrant activists was the white nationalists that the event attracted.
Sitting on one side of the room was William Johnson, chairman of the white nationalist political party American Third Position (A3P). The mission statement of A3P reads: “The American Third Position exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”
Johnson wrote of American immigration, “No person shall be a citizen of the United States unless he is a non-Hispanic white of the European race. … Only citizens shall have the right and privilege to reside permanently in the United States.”
Sitting across the aisle from Johnson was Jared Taylor, the white nationalist founder of American Renaissance, a magazine which routinely writes about the inferiority of non-whites. Taylor’s 2011 American Renaissance conference was shut down last week in Charlotte after a city councilman convinced city hotels not to provide a venue for the event.
Other attendees included Youth for Western Civilization members who have attended Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) conferences in the past. The CofCC is a blatantly white supremacist organization that has called blacks a “retrograde species of humanity.”
Another member of Youth for Western Civilization in attendance was Tim Dionisopoulos, a member of the anti-immigrant group Rhode Islanders for Immigration Law Enforcement, a group listed on the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s website as a state contact group. Dionisopoulos spoke last October at an anti-immigrant event in Rhode Island where he quoted Sam Francis, a now deceased white nationalist and former editor of the CofCC’s newsletter.
Youth for Western Civilization’s booth at CPAC was distributing free copies of the Social Contract, a journal published by white nationalist John Tanton, the founder of the modern day anti-immigrant movement. Ironically, in the booth right next to Youth for Western Civilization was the anti-immigrant organization ProEnglish, founded by Tanton, who still sits on the organization’s board of directors.
Youth for Western Civilization claims that it is not a racist group, but its ties to the CofCC and the fact that it has attracted some of the most famous white nationalists in the country to its panel cannot be overlooked.
- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to strip public employees of most collective bargaining rights, cut pay and gut benefits without any negotiation the most radical assault yet by the current crop of Republican governors on the rights of workers has inspired outrage in a historically progressive and pro-labor state.With unions calling on members an allies to “fight back” against a “blatant power grab,” tensions are running so high that the governor, who took office in January, is threatening to call out the National Guard in case of industrial action by state, county and municipal employees.
- As the House prepares for debate today on the budget, Republicans are trying to cut off public funding for NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service, which run such iconic programs as "Sesame Street" and "Morning Edition."
- The defector who convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons programme has admitted for the first time that he lied about his story, then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war.
- Common Cause maintains that Justice Thomas should have disqualified himself from last year’s landmark campaign finance ruling in the Citizens United case, partly because of his ties to the Koch brothers [lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry, big insurance, etc]
- A court in Ecuador has told oil giant Chevron Corp to pay $8.6bn in environmental damages, but the US company has termed the court order as "illegitimate and unenforceable" [even though they promised to stand by the court's decision prior to its ruling] and said it would appeal.
- O’Brien has been the target of scathing media coverage since her remark, and numerous Kansas Democratic Party lawmakers have asked her to apologize.
- And now researchers who reviewed data by the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children have found an additional disturbing consequence for unhealthy eating habits: lower IQs. While kids who ate a diet high in fruits, vegetables, rice, and pasta at 3 years old showed higher IQs at age 8 1/2, kids who ate processed food high in sugar and fat at 3 years old actually showed lower IQs later on. "This suggests that any cognitive/behavioural effects relating to eating habits in early childhood may well persist into later childhood, despite any subsequent changes (including improvements) to dietary intake," said the researchers.
- Bunnies, cows, pigs, fish, birds, they are all the same. No animal should suffer like this. If you can't watch, then you shouldn't be eating meat or wearing leather or fur. Go vegan.
White Nationalists Converge on Day Two at Republican Convention (Conservative Political Action Conference)
February 12, 2011 by Imagine 2050 Editors
While many young conservatives waited in long lines to hear Ron Paul speak in the main ballroom of yesterday’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), another event, ‘Will Immigration Kill the GOP,’ was drawing a crowd of its own.
The seminar was sponsored by Youth for Western Civilization, a group that debuted at CPAC in 2009 and aims to defend western culture on college campuses. The group invited former Congressman Virgil Goode, anti-immigrant activist Bay Buchannan and anti-immigrant former Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak on its panel. A special guest who joined later was newly elected Pennsylvania Congressman Lou Barletta, famous for an anti-immigrant ordinance he passed in the town of Hazleton, PA.
Barletta was even presented with an award by one of the attendees. None other than Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen Project. Jim Gilchrist was closely tied to Shawna Forde right up to her arrest for murder in 2009.
More disturbing than the actual lineup of anti-immigrant activists was the white nationalists that the event attracted.
Sitting on one side of the room was William Johnson, chairman of the white nationalist political party American Third Position (A3P). The mission statement of A3P reads: “The American Third Position exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”
Johnson wrote of American immigration, “No person shall be a citizen of the United States unless he is a non-Hispanic white of the European race. … Only citizens shall have the right and privilege to reside permanently in the United States.”
Sitting across the aisle from Johnson was Jared Taylor, the white nationalist founder of American Renaissance, a magazine which routinely writes about the inferiority of non-whites. Taylor’s 2011 American Renaissance conference was shut down last week in Charlotte after a city councilman convinced city hotels not to provide a venue for the event.
Other attendees included Youth for Western Civilization members who have attended Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) conferences in the past. The CofCC is a blatantly white supremacist organization that has called blacks a “retrograde species of humanity.”
Another member of Youth for Western Civilization in attendance was Tim Dionisopoulos, a member of the anti-immigrant group Rhode Islanders for Immigration Law Enforcement, a group listed on the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s website as a state contact group. Dionisopoulos spoke last October at an anti-immigrant event in Rhode Island where he quoted Sam Francis, a now deceased white nationalist and former editor of the CofCC’s newsletter.
Youth for Western Civilization’s booth at CPAC was distributing free copies of the Social Contract, a journal published by white nationalist John Tanton, the founder of the modern day anti-immigrant movement. Ironically, in the booth right next to Youth for Western Civilization was the anti-immigrant organization ProEnglish, founded by Tanton, who still sits on the organization’s board of directors.
Youth for Western Civilization claims that it is not a racist group, but its ties to the CofCC and the fact that it has attracted some of the most famous white nationalists in the country to its panel cannot be overlooked.